What is a Pack Walk?

A group of dog handlers go for a walk together in a structured environment.
A pack walk is good for most dogs (if you’re unsure if your dog is one of them, just ask us!). It’s a way to exercise, properly socialize, and train that is safe and fun for all. Whether you have a Beauty or a Beast, dogs are always in training, so join us!

Structured Environment

  • Dogs walk in a long line at first. By the end of the walk, some dogs bunch up together as walking buddies and some dogs just enjoy the camaraderie of the walk from a safe distance.

  • No dog introductions face-to-face, even if you have a Lassie on your hands!

  • The key to a successful pack walk is the rhythm of the walk – as long as we’re moving things will go great! We move at a casual pace that works for most fitness levels.

  • Following the rules will guarantee a successful experience (see below).

  • Every dog is different: some dogs will walk side-by-side after the first 15 minutes, but other dogs may need a few pack walks to get there. No judging here!

Science Behind Pack Walks

Dogs have a strong instinctual need to socialize with and explore the world. As we know, many dogs are reactive to other dogs, but these dogs still have a need to get out and socialize. Pack walks satisfy this need. Dogs can safely socialize without physically interacting. Even though the dogs are not physically touching each other, they can smell and see the other dogs, which is still considered socialization.

Walking your dog is so important for training, and it’s something most owners do not do enough. Fenced yards are great, but it’s not enough. Dogs need to explore and get out in the world. Even a short walk easily satisfies this need.

Walking provides the dog with a lot of mental stimulation, which most dogs are lacking. Furthermore, mental stimulation will tire out a dog a lot faster than physical stimulation (e.g. running in the back yard).

What It’s Not

  • it is NOT a Time for your dog to “meet” new dogs

  • it is NOT Playtime